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Prohlédnout téma (nejnovější)

2024-10-07 04:01:51

Dave Wiskus "When the federal government outlaws what morality calls for of us, every of us must make a selection as to whether we might be law abiding residents or whether or not we will likely be ethical human beings." --Rabbi Daniel Bogard "`git commit --allow-empty` is the one true universal rerun CI button." --@mitsuhiko "Hold the X key whereas beginning: How to update your OLPC's firmware OR the best way to unlock a secret character within the Playstation model of Mortal Kombat." --Foone "These should not people who are 'incapable of telling right from fallacious' - they don't agree with you and me about what 'proper' and 'incorrect' mean. These aren't folks incapable of understanding that their actions are illegal - they rejoice that they are going to be seen as martyr heroes." --@quatoria "In case your polycule is not organized like you are planning a heist, then I'm not fascinated." --Foone "LaTeX is an ideal demonstration of the butterfly effect. You take away a comma on web page 1 and a paragraph is moved on web page 10. It's painfully beautiful!" --Mohammad Shahrad "In nuclear they've one thing referred to as a 'dose monkey': A low-stage contractor payed a lump sum to work until they max out their allowed yearly radiation dose. Sometimes that's months. Sometimes it is a day. Consider: 'To what extent am I a dose monkey for stress?' Dose monkeys are fungible. You throw 'em at a problem and once they expire you get more. Alternatively, at least the dose monkeys are assured a set revenue and a metered complete dose irrespective of how lengthy they last. Stress monkeys higher hope they've saved some cash by the point they burn out." --@MasterTimBlais "Folktales are a human universal because they often educate important issues, whereas evopsych folktales usually finish in a rant about age of consent laws." --@pookleblinky "The hole in the data is information itself." --Que Mikko's Law: If it's sensible, it's susceptible.


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